Gone are the days when majority of households survived and thrived on one income. Most…

Finally… I feel like I’m breaking my silence to a certain extent. How have so many months gone by without a blog post? I know most of us are shocked to know we’re in September already, and the stores are itching to display their Christmas decor & specials.. but honestly, time waits for no one. How have we been living overseas for 9 months already?!
On December 9th, 2018 our lives took a major turn…moving to Repton, England. It has taken some time, but I can finally say, I think I’ve found my groove. Getting used to my “new normal” – balancing my kiddies, husband, house work, routines, cooking and all the rest of it that goes with daily life was something I had to wrap my head around, and fast. Fortunately I’m a quick decision maker, standing firm in what I think is best, making a way, finding out, establishing my way of doing things. The last 9 months have been a journey of letting go, toughening up, appreciating quality time, really appreciating the value of the people in my life, establishing the better way of doing things, embracing life and
Re-evaluating things like, what are we really doing on social media? Posting about our lives.. are we using our platforms on and off social media for the good of others, building His kingdom, impacting one life after another in a positive way or simply saying… “Hey, look at me?!”. Life certainly isn’t perfect, but its a journey.. Which makes me think of an “ah-ha” moment I had while driving in our new city. I was following my GPS as many of us do, I took a turn too early, it had to re-calculate, I then turned again, the GPS re-calculated again, and so this continued to happen. I could see my destination right in front of me, yet I seemed to be going in circles on the side line. It was in that moment I felt God say to me, you see… you can either follow me, go the best route planned or take your own turns and continue to get rerouted along the way. You’ll still get to your destination, but it might take you a whole lot longer, with lessons and challenges which could’ve been avoided should you have listened the first time.
None the less, I’m grateful for these moments of realisation, the moments of weakness where we can look back and see how far we’ve come, how gracious and faithful God is and just how intricately detailed His plan is for us. One thing I can say is that with faith, conviction, revelation and community (near or far), all things are possible. You may feel like there’s a mountain in front of you, how will you get around it, how will everything work out in your favour? Well, I often think to myself and say to Lloyd, imagine how Moses felt when God called him to lead all those people through the sea. A roaring sea.. crazy!! But faith, in God and yourself is all you need. The seas have already been parted for you, the mountain in front of you has already been conquered.. shift your mind, cast your eyes away from man, and look up, to Him.
Beautiful ?
Looking forward to following your journey ?
Thanks Charmaine x