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Finding ways to receive while giving

Sunday’s are all about lazy mornings, kids church and praise and worship in our home. This was so needed this past Sunday! We did communion as a family, and specifically prayed for all the Mommy’s who find themselves juggling the pressures of work and expanding their childrens IQ. I can honestly sum up last week in one word… flat. I had zero to little zest, energy or motivation to put my positive pants on and smash each day! I went through phases of simply riding the wave or doing the minimum required of me, because honestly, it (being this “coronacoaster”) just felt a bit much.

I needed something to lift my spirits and do something for me.. something I really enjoyed. Those who know me well, know just how much I love giving surprises to others. So I teamed up with Lloyd and planned a surprise tea party for our kiddies for Sunday lunch.

It started off with their invitation arriving through our postbox shoot in our door, the kids know the sound the flap makes when post has been delivered, so they always run and check what it is. The look on their faces when they saw the envelope addressed to them was so precious. Bella read the invitation out to Sofia and Luke, and before we could even ask if they were excited, they were jumping up and down, and ran upstairs to get dressed into something special.

While chaos was taking place upstairs, I had the chance to get everything ready.. needless to say, they absolutely loved their tea party and what could’ve been a simple lunch, turned into a special occasion.. all while filling my heart with pure joy!

During this time of lockdown and isolation, discovering what makes me “tick” as a Mommy or feeds me while I’m giving to everyone else in the family has been a revelation to me. As mom’s we give so much of ourselves, we need to find ways we can receive while we’re giving.. I am truly trying to make a concerted effort to make the little things count!


Here’s to spirits lifted and a blessed week ahead x

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