Gone are the days when majority of households survived and thrived on one income. Most…

I often get asked about my Instagram feed, the filters I use and how I put it all together.. I think Instagram is a space where we can be creative, I enjoy planning my feed – the colour flow and photo’s that work together… Keep reading to find out more about these tips!
I decided that my Instagram feed was going to be one of positivity… not that I’m not prepared to share the negatives / low’s in life, but simply because there’s so much of that going on around us, isn’t there? When I’m having one of these moments (and trust me, expat life can stir up quite a few), I often counteract it by rationalising my thoughts with something positive in my life / about the situation. Eg: my husband’s working hours are currently exceptionally demanding on him – which often leaves me feeling like a single parent. When I feel frustrated or sad that he’s missing out on an outing or a moment with our kiddies, I remind myself what a privilege it is to be busy, to have a job, as well as for me to have quality time with my children. I grew up in a similar situation, my dad worked bloody hard majority of the time, and my mom gave everything of herself to us. At the time, not appreciating this – but now that I’m older and I’m a mommy, I obviously resonate with everything she did, everything they both did. Anyway…
What you don’t see on my feed?
- When I’m under the pump with deadlines – whether for my self or my clients
- When my children are emotional and hurting because they miss loved ones in South Africa
- When one of my children decides that their favourite meal is no longer and refuses to eat it or they don’t want to wear certain things
- When I feel like I’ve put fires out between the three of them throughout the day as there’s been constant bickering (these days are rare fortunately, but I certainly have them!)
- When I feel emotional about missing family and friends
- When I have my moments of doubt about our immigration
The list goes on, but instead I choose to be happy, be positive, find the good, keep going and persevere, working towards the end goal. Always. Whether it’s my relationship with God, our marriage, our children, finances… whatever it is, just keep going!
Because I often get asked about my feed, I thought I would share my top tips with you, I’ve complied them in an easy to read format. To gain access to these, please insert your email address below and you’ll receive them shortly after.
I hope this is the start of various conversations with you.. I love my blog and to a degree my Instagram has become a mini-blog too, however I would love to know more about YOU – where you’re reading this from, any questions you have and perhaps even form a friendship with you. If there’s one thing I’m grateful for, it’s an online community that I’ve grown to love and appreciate so much.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Mel x
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