Gone are the days when majority of households survived and thrived on one income. Most…
This One’s For The Moms

As the time draws nearer to celebrate Mother’s Day, so many things come to my mind. I think about my Mom and the amazing example she has been to my brother and I when we were growing up. A true picture of selflessness – always rooting for us on the side of the cricket pitch or staying up late to make my dancing outfits and encouraging me throughout my dance career. The school lunches, taxi-driving, my confidant and much more. How blessed I have been to have the mom I do.
I think of my mother-in-law, raising three boys, forever encouraging them to pursue their dreams, always giving them the best opportunity for their sport careers. I think of family and of a friend who is due to become a mommy in about 7 months’ time – oh what an awesome journey, experiencing the miracle of life developing inside you.
I often need to snap my fingers and give myself a reality check. I have three beautiful, healthy, clever little angels. Thank you, Lord. They bring an abundance of love, joy, chaos and excitement to our lives and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I think back to when I was pregnant with Isabella – what an experience! Your first pregnancy isn’t more special than your second or third, however, I think things are amplified, in a way. It’s the first of everything – first scan, first heartbeat, first down syndrome scan, first kick on the inside of my body. I had to process that a little princess was joining our world, my little princess. I clearly remember standing in the nursery with my mom, crying with the overwhelming thoughts of; What must I do? Will I know what’s wrong? Will that motherly instinct kick in? Oh, how far I’ve come since then. When it comes to new moms and them asking “how will I know?” I always like to say that it’s like knowing your husband was “the one”. You’ll just know.
The Little Precious Things
I think moms sometimes feel like we get left behind, in a way. Dads swoop in, they play with the kids (in a way that moms just can’t), they get to do all the cool stuff while mom is in the kitchen or getting everything ready for bath time. But moms, without us doing the unnoticeable and more mundane things, I truly believe our homes would fall apart. Who puts your little ones’ favourites into the cupboard or fridge? Who makes sure everything is packed and ready for school? Who makes sure your babies’ shampoo is there? The list goes on. If you never feel like you get a pat on the back, a high five or a fist pump – moms I’d like to say; you’re the best! You are the rock of your family, soldiering on, doing the necessary to make it all work.
Mothers’ Day is a special day for me. Four years ago on Mother’s Day I was baptised at my church (3Ci in Pretoria), on the same day Isabella was dedicated and one year later Sofia was dedicated on Mother’s Day too. From a faith perspective, our home wouldn’t be what it is today if it wasn’t for Jesus at our centre. When Isabella spoke to me about the first time she saw her angel or Sofia reminds us daily about putting on the Armour before school (tears welling up) I have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I am so thankful for everything I get to experience with my precious children.
Not Alone
Some time ago, my dad sent me a scripture about Mothers. The gist of it was – God chose Mary, a lady in the middle of nowhere, to birth His only Son, someone who would be the single most influential man that ever walked this earth. Jesus. Wow! And now I get to be a mom to His children? I am overwhelmed by his love, grace and faithfulness. So, moms, wherever you are, whatever you’re going through, just know that you have been chosen and you can do it.
Moms, without you there simply is a piece missing to the puzzle.
To my mom; I love you very much. You’re an amazing woman. To my dad; I think about your mom and my granny, although she is no longer with us – what an awesome, wise, loving mom and gran she was. To my parents; thank you for all your love and support – I am the mommy I am today because of your investment in my life. To my amazing husband; God truly blessed me when he put you on my path. Nothing would be possible without you. Thank you for encouraging me to be the mom I’ve always dreamed of being.
To celebrate moms and all you do, I’d like to spoil someone. A lucky mom will win products, a make-over & a photoshoot for her & her baby / kiddies to the value of R8000. This is all thanks to these awesome moms – Riette De Wet (Riette De Wet Photography) and Melissa Swart (Glam Bam) as well as Gary Rom Hairdressing.
Final Mother’s day Thoughts
Today, tomorrow, Mother’s Day or not, I celebrate you moms! Whether you’re preggy, have toddlers, primary or high school kids, or perhaps your kids are all grown up.
After all, all we can do is give our best. And your best is more than enough in His eyes. I know you hold that feeling of your new born curled up on your chest so dearly, so if you are a mom or not and you’re reading this, the next time you see your mom, sit on her lap and just give her the biggest hug. No matter how old you are. It will mean more to her than you’ll know. If your relationship with your mom isn’t what it used to be or what you’d like it to be, I encourage you to do something about it – start small if you have to. If your mom has passed on and Mother’s Day is a reminder of her, celebrate her life and all she is to you… She wouldn’t want you to be sad. And remember, love covers all.
“Blessed is she who carried His promise in her womb.”
Nice to read Mel. How glorious and wonderful is our Lord and Saviour Jesus!! May your life be significant in everything you do and persue. Take Jesus on every journey. Happy Mothers day coming up!
Hi Sure, Thank you so much for your much appreciated feedback – i appreciate the time spent & words written. Thank you for the vote of confidence & cheering me on!
Hope you’re well x
this is so true, often us moms look for recognition for all the unnoticeable things that just happen at home, yet the little faces that just love you unconditionally is “thanks enough ” . a personal experience studying for exams with your 12 year old daughter is not as fun as playing with dad , however I get the study session with moods and etc. but after writing the tests and getting some amazing results, my daughter writes me a hand written note, saying thank you for helping me study because I am so proud of my marks and all your help. that’s priceless. also going through a tough time in our lives and my daughters have been my absolute strength, the family might be divided soon and I have 2 amazing daughters which have been reminding me how I am worth so much more, and how loved I am . I am the adult and they are the ones keeping me together , that I get little sticky notes in my bag saying “you are strong, your are beautiful , you are enough ” from them. I am blessed with the absolute 2 best daughters ever, and thank God daily for them. so as mom, i often think I’m juggling too much, but having 2 girls 19 and 12, being strong fro mom and encouraging mom…i know I’ve done a great job with them x
Thank you so much for such a meaningful, heartfelt comment. Thank you for the time spent sending it as well as reading the blog post.
Divorce is never easy, for anyone at any age. Personally i see it as a death in the family, as there’s something that comes to an end. Memories, future events etc. Not easy – for anyone involved. Antje said we’d get together for a coffee sometime, let us know when & we’ll be there to pray with you & listen when you need to talk.
Regarding your daughters, thats amazing – a real testimony to you as their mother.
“God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life.” Romans 8:28
Thank you so much for such a meaningful, heartfelt comment. Thank you for the time spent sending it as well as reading the blog post.
Divorce is never easy, for anyone at any age. Personally i see it as a death in the family, as there’s something that comes to an end. Memories, future events etc. Not easy – for anyone involved.
Regarding your daughters, thats amazing – a real testimony to you as their mother.
“God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life.” Romans 8:28
Wow! Just what i needed to read this morning! Overwhelming feeling of expecting our first little princess in a few weeks time and not knowing how i will be able to divide my time & energy so that my first born (boy – now 3years old)still feels loved. His a real mommys boy! My heart is heavy! How do you share your love? My son is my world! Does the Lord fill your heart with more love with every pregnancy? So that every child is loved equally. Being a mother is something you can almost not explain, the idea that you created & nurtured a human inside you, you made something so perfect! Wow, i cant continue, eyes filled with tears… warmest wishes & blessings to every mom and to every woman praying & hoping to bear her own child God Bless.
Thank you for the time spent reading the blog piece & sending your comments. I appreciate your feedback so much.
I know its all a bit unknown at the moment, but once you hold that precious little angel, everything just clicks. Your love bubbles over for your children equally – its just amazing. I look forward to hearing all about it once she’s here!
Wishing you an awesome Mothers Day ahead & good pregnancy further.
So true ♡♡♡
So true ♡♡♡. Love your blog xx
Amen to this my friend – what a beautiful post for all the mamas out there!
An amazing to celebrate all those in the wait and in the thick of it all – a real blessing for He chose us to be powerful maternal warriors x
Melissa, this is beautiful. You are beautiful and such an inspiration to me. Thank you. I love the way you love Jesus. I hope you have a lovely mother’s day. Xx
Thank you Marie, thank you for taking time out in a busy world to read the blog piece & share your comment x
This post resonates deeply in me!i miss my mom terribly but so grateful to be blessed as a mom with my two angels! God is faithful!
That He is – faithful till the end.
Your love for The Lord is evident & i love that. Wishing you an awesome Mothers Day ahead, your mom would be so proud of you & so should you be.
Lovely Blog page. My kids are saying its time for me to get a make over, so would actually love this for myself to show them I can look as glam as they say I should! ?
Ek wil graag inskryf , sodat my ma n ekstra spesiale dag kan hê … sy het so iets beslis nodig , omrede sy nooit regtig veel vir haarself doen nie maar wel vir ander … veral vir my , my sussie en my ouma …
Love it!
Lovely story!
What a beautiful refreshing read. Faith filled to the brim.
awesome!! i love how God uses different means to fill our cups x
I love this ❤️❤️❤️
thank you so much! i appreciate the time spent reading my blog piece x
You inspire me and others. Thank you!
Ah thank you so much, you’ve made my day!
Love love love
Ekt die beste Mamma ooit
En jou blog laat mens net weereens besef wat ons ok as Mammas opoffer
Kan nie wag vir jou volgende post nie
You’ve made my day, thank you so much.
Wishing you a fab Mothers Day!
Beautifully written! Mother’s are often not celebrated enough for all that they do. I’m truly thankful for my mother! Without her I would be lost! She has made me strive to be a better wife and mother to my 2 little boys. She reminds me every now and then that no matter what, family always comes first!
Thank you much for taking the time to read the blog piece & send your feedback. I couldn’t agree more about my mom. We are both very blessed.
Wishing you an awesome Mothers Day!
So beautiful! Loved reading this ?
Would love to win a make-over (just what I need right now) and a photoshoot with my little girl Mila would be oh so special ?
Such True Words!
Dit is n hoe my dogter wat fisies en verstandelik gestrem vir my wil dankie sê vir wat ek vir haar alles doen en gee in die lewe. Elke aand voor sy gaan slaap kom sê sy vir my dankie op haar manier van praat gebare taal. Sy het vir my die mooiste kaartjie gegee vandag wat sy by die sentrum vir gestremdes gemaak het vir moedersdag.
Thats awesome, its a great reflection on you & what you’ve done & invested in your daughter.
Happy Mothers Day!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. This piece was so welcome ? God implanted great strength into moms. Happy mothers day to you too ??????
Amen! Thank you so much for your feedback. Happy Mothers Day to you too!
What a stunning story!
All praises to our Lord! ❤
Wow I only wanted to like your blog/page for this amazing prize I desperately need (I homeschool my 1 and 4 year old try to run my business and still try to be a good wife and I feel like I never have time for me so I felt like I deserve it) but wow you just reminded me God chose me to be the mommy I am and I love every minute of it even if it means I am too tired to wash my hair or rather buy my kids clothes then doing my hair or nails – I LOVE BEING A MOM!! Thank you for reminding me that Jesus loves me no matter how we look or feel today hehehe thank Mel xxx
i love your spirit & gratitude Soné xx
So incredibly beautiful and heart warming. So glad that I read your post on facebook for the competition so that I could click on the link and read this beautiful article. Have a blessed day.
Wow your word are all so true and touched my heart, I actually have a tear in my eyes right now
Hi Gerda, im so glad to hear you felt my passion & got my heart when reading this, i was in tears too x
Mel, your kindness and love are evident in your children. Well done on a beautifully written piece, thank you for sharing!
My family are photoholics…we will LOVE TO WIN THIS AMAZING PRIZE!!
Awesome!! Needed to read this! Thank you!
Thank you for the inspiration & motivation & commitment Melissa! Being a mother of 3 little ones are so challenging but at the same time so rewarding. Teying to treasure every moment – the ‘firsts’ of the eldest and all the ‘lasts’ of the last born. Praising God for this gift of unconditional love. X
Hi Martmeri, this really hit home to me… i couldn’t agree more. Thanks for sharing x
Beautiful write up <3
So so beautiful Mel. Thank you for the reminder. We so easily forget our value as a mother…constantly wondering, is this enough, or am I making the right decision..However, reminding ourselves when we doubt, that God blessed and entrusted us with his precious cargo to raise up warriors in His name, there’s just no better way to conquer the fear…knowing we are safe and covered in His will and that he has us given everything and more to fulfill his hearts desire. To lead our little angels to Him. Forever grateful. ?
Ah, so awesome Tasch!! thank you for your valued input – motherly wisdom xx
wow what a beautiful read and just what I needed! as a mom now I realise the value of my mom even more – you don’t realise how important your mom is in your life till you have your own tiny humans. I think as moms we never feel good enough – we always striving to be the “perfect” mom in this world but there is no definition of a perfect mom. … as long as we are the perfect mom to our tiny humans and love them with all we can give then we are more then perfect. couldn’t agree with you more – moms hold the family together and its the little things we do that make us irreplaceable to our families x
you couldn’t have said it better Lisa, thank you so much for sharing xx
Thank you for reminding us of who we are and that we should be grateful for all
Beautifully written!