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Overnight Oats


Due to our busy household, preparation is key. Well, vital really. As I’m the planner in the house (by that i mean; a type A personality – let me just get real with you haha). I’m constantly thinking of ways to improve, either my personal productivity, or that of the household. One of the things that I am trying to incorporate into our daily routine, is to prepare for the following day. This comes in many shapes and forms, one of which being, the girls’s school clothes are out and ready when I put everyones jaamies out. I also make sure that hair accessories are good to go and formula is decanted with water filled bottles for the day for our precious Luke. However, there’s something about preparing breakfast the night before (for Lloyd & I) which eases our routine that little bit more in the morning.

Here’s my take on a fab Pinterest inspiration:


Overnight Oats Ingredients:

– 2 scoops of protein powder (i used chocolate)
– 2 bananas
– 3 cups almond milk (this can be substituted for soya, coconut, rice)
-1 1/2 cups of rolled oats
– desiccated coconut & a handful of berries for garnish


1. Add 1/2 cup of oats to 3 containers
2. Add banana, milk of choice & protein powder to a blender
3. Divide the blended mixture evenly between the 3 containers
4. give it a good mix
5. sprinkle the coconut evenly over the containers
6. place in the fridge overnight
7. top with berries in the morning (i had frozen ours)
8. enjoy!

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