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Surviving Birthday Season

In our household, it just so happens that all of our birthdays are within a couple of weeks of one another. Lloyd’s birthday is 13 June, Luke’s 15 June, mine 5 July, Isabella 31 July and Sofia a mere 6 weeks later on the 8th of September. Phew! For this OCD mamma, the only thing that keeps my sanity going, is my planning. “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.” ― Peter F. Drucker
Since creating pretty events has become a passion of mine (my company, Ever After Events started 4 years ago), I simply can’t resist going over board for my kiddies’ birthday’s. I also love surprises! So, birthday’s are my absolute best, spoiling the ones I love with the element of surprise and a beautiful celebration ticks all the boxes for me. I’d say that my planning and preparation for everyone’s birthdays starts as early as February, knowing we’re just 4 months away (if you have kiddies you’ll know that you’ll blink your eyes once and 4 months have passed – hence the crazy pre-prep). First things first, Pinterest, my go to! I toy around with ideas and dreams of what I’m envisioning and then narrow it down to a few choices for my girls. We’ll chat about it and see where that takes us. We love talking about parties and just how big all 3 kiddies are getting. Once we’ve all settled on a good idea and direction of where we’re headed, we commit to it & stick to our guns. Make no mistake, Isabella and Sofia will, ever so often, remind me of their birthdays and what the chosen theme is. 
At least 2 months before any birthday comes to be, planning and prep is done. Graphic design is sorted, venues booked (well this year I booked them all at once, in March – extreme to some, but its another thing ticked off the list) and the vision of what its going to all look like is under wraps & we’re good to go. The rest is then left to a few errands, here and there, before the party. I’ve found, by planning ahead, its less daunting and overwhelming. As moms, we generally feel that we need to contribute something (for Isabella’s birthday, I felt I needed to bake the cakes, well, at least, one of them. I absolutely love baking, but learnt my lesson – leave that to the professionals. I have now learnt that my way of doing something for my kiddies, is to put everything together, make it look as best i can and celebrate with them. Play to your strengths Mamma, not to what “the world” has tried to impose on you. 

My top tips for planning your kiddies party – 

1. Choose a theme that relates to their personality
2. Involve your kiddies in your thoughts & ideas
3. Plan – get all your ducks in a row: Suppliers, Pinterest board and the works
4. Gain a clear understanding of what you’d like to see at the party
5. Enjoy the ride – its another year to celebrate! 
6. Remember to pack candles for the cake 😉 
I  look forward to sharing my kiddy parties with you and I hope to inspire you to get some DIY done, encourage you to say I can do it, motivate you to plan better and further in advance, and above all, celebrate another fantastic year of love, joy, laughter & parenting – what an awesome privilege it is!

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