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Yes, I’ve been MIA!

Is it just me or has this year flown by? Perhaps it’s the last 2 years that feel like a blur really. Life has been chopped, changed and turned upside down – this regulation, that guideline, the back and forth of do’s and dont’s.

Besides family, the one constant thing that I’ve clung on to during these uncertain times has been my new venture. As most of you already know, I’ve always been entrepreneurial. Probably more of a “calculated risk taker” type of entrepreneur, but I’ve always loved flying solo and doing my own thing.

After coming back from a much needed trip to South Africa (we’ve been living in the UK for nearly 3 years) in January 2021, I was looking for that something.. that one thing, a business venture that I could build online, no matter where I was in the world, no matter the timezone. The ultimate dream right?

Well I found that something, the perfect opportunity for me. It came about one morning while I was changing the linen of all the beds (it feels like we have atleast 20 beds when I change everyone’s linen). I love to listen to Maverick City while doing house work, so I was searching for a song on YouTube, when an add popped up about an online publishing course. Normally I would’ve skipped past it in 4.9 seconds, but something about this ad really captivated me – and goodness am I glad it did!

For the past 7 months, I have been working relentlessly, late nights, early mornings, live Q&A sessions while cooking dinner, listening to coaches while on the school run – it’s been full on! How could it be that all my life experiences, right from school have seemed to equip me for the current venture I’m on? Some say luck or stars aligning, I say only God.

I’ve had the pleasure of publishing 20 books in 7 months (I’m a real “all or nothing” type of person) and now find myself in a position where I’m doing some online coaching for the course, meeting and interacting with this incredible community of coaches and students across the world – something I’ve seriously lacked in the UK!

In the next few weeks and months, I hope to keep you in the loop a little more – with life and all that it offers, sharing my experiences and view points as it goes.

I am filled with gratitude as I write this..I am so thankful for every single opportunity that has come my way since taking this leap of faith, trying something new and getting out of my comfort zone, for the friends I’ve made and books I’ve published. A special thank you to my nearest and dearest for all their love and support over the last few months, it would not have been possible without you xxx

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. So awesome! I have also been in search for that one venture that could change my life. I feel that I have been searching and searching……. Looking forward to reading more blogs!! God Bless, Abigail, Cape Town.

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